Study What You Need to Know About Mono Symptoms far more
"Not again!" I thought as we got the blood test reports back from the doctor. Sure enough, the blood test confirmed that my son, Eric, had yet another confirmed case of mononucleosis, commonly referred to as mono, the kissing disease. This virus is jokingly referred to as the kissing disease because it can be spread by saliva. Mono is no joking matter.
A person can have it, show no symptoms, (if lucky) and yet pass it to another person. In the beginning, this disease can be mistaken for a flu as all they initial symptoms are there---fever, aches, tired, nausea. Along with it can come swollen glands, loss of appetite and a feeling of exhaustion. Some describe the feeling as so severe that you are unable to get out of bed. This condition alone led me to believe he had mono again. Although, not usually noted, I have noticed that if you are prone to developing mono, it is usually acquired during stressful periods.In both cases, Eric developed mono after facing mid terms or finals when he was in college. It could have simply started with something as simple as drinking from the same glass as someone who had the disease and he got it.
This disease can put you right out of commission for weeks, as it did in his case. If he attempted to do anything, he got sick, and the best thing for him to do was simply sleep. There is no cure for mono. It will run its course on it's own, usually lasting up to four weeks. The only thing you can do is treat symptoms as they occur such as taking ibuprofen for aches and pains, eating something nourishing to keep up your body supplied with food.
There is always a small risk that complications can occur with damage done to your spleen. Antibiotics are of no use in mononucleosis, as this is a virus, not a bacterial infection, so the best you can opt for is to treat the symptoms as they arise and sleep it off, making sure that you at least drink lots of juices.
Lupus SymptomsMike writes about mono symptoms [].
If you are interested in mono symptoms and its treatment then visit his website [] for further information.
What You Need to Know About Mono Symptoms
Lupus SymptomsExamine Lupus Diet - How to Make Your Lupus Symptoms Better additional
Lupus Diet - How to Make Your Lupus Symptoms Better
Symptoms Lupus3 Objectives of The Lupus Diet
Proper diet is required not only for people with Lupus but there are some special considerations when it comes to Lupus dieting. There are three objectives of the diet and these are to counteract steroid therapy, to stock up on your potassium, and to replace the nutrients that you have lost. For you to be able to reach these objectives here are some information that you will have to keep in mind.
Control your Fat Intake
For the Lupus diet, you have to control your fat intake. Studies have been done during these past years wherein results have confirmed that reducing the total fat intake can improve your current situation. In addition to that, you will have to supplement your Lupus diet with fish oil and similar types of fats can influence the balance of your prostaglandins and leukotrienes, resulting in an improved inflammatory state. The omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oils are also proven to lessen your risk of encountering coronary artery diseases. This Lupus diet is very important to those who are high risk for these certain conditions such as women with Lupus, or those who have hereditary tendencies.
Recommended Vitamins And Which To Avoid
Taking in supplements when you are in a Lupus diet should not be done without consulting with your physician. There are certain vitamins that are not recommended for you since these will worsen your condition such as Vitamin A which can exacerbate autoimmunity and Vitamin E which will induce the remission of Lupus. On the other hand, there are helpful vitamins too such as Vitamin D which helps in managing osteoporosis, Vitamin B12 and folic acid that treat some forms of anaemia. Herbal supplements too should not be taken without a doctor's prescription, since there are some that are totally restricted for you.
The food Avoid
Alfalfa is one of the foods that should be totally avoided in a Lupus diet since this one can trigger symptoms that are Lupus-like or more commonly referred to as Lupus flares. These Lupus flares induced by alfalfa can be fatigue and muscle pain, blood test result abnormalities, nephritic problems and changes with how the immune system functions. Researches have found out that L-canavanine, an amino acid that is found in alfalfa activates the immune system, and can aggravate inflammation. Not all Lupus symptoms can be eliminated but many symptoms can be controlled to at least have a normal live.
Maintaining a lupus diet is indeed necessary if you want to get better, and for your symptoms not to be exacerbated. Other than maintaining a lupus diet, discover a powerful tool that can address lupus symptoms even before they show up and you can learn more about that at [].
Examine Alleviate Symptoms of Lupus Disease Naturally far more
Prescription medications have a lot of side effects that can even lead to worse problems. That is one of the main reasons why most people would go for natural cures to combat this disease. A common natural cure for the symptoms of lupus disease is willow, which is very effective in easing the muscle and joint pains that are usually experienced when you have lupus. Other than that, this is also an effective anti-inflammatory agent that is used for joint inflammations. The part of the willow tree that is used for this purpose is its bark. The bark extract is recommended to be taken in thrice a day in 5 ml amounts.
Certain practices can help you with your lupus disease so that you can prevent exacerbation. There are foods that you have to avoid, limit and increase. Totally avoid alfalfa since this can mimic the signs and symptoms such as flares. You will have to limit cow's milk and beef products, taking them only in small amounts. As for the ones that you have to increase, consume fish in bigger amounts since these are rich in omega-3, the fatty acids that will help your body cope up with the illness. You can also take in some herbs and supplements such as flaxseed oil, black walnut, and other helpful supplements to help in the cure of these symptoms of lupus. Colloidal silver is also gaining attention in the cure of lupus since it is antibacterial, anti-arthritic and anti-fungal. If you have noticed, colloidal silver targets three symptoms of lupus.
The treatment of the symptoms involves home care too since this is very important for your recovery and for the maintenance of your health status. Stress management is something that you can do, because researches say that stress is actually a triggering factor for the exacerbation of lupus. Engaging in activities that are not too tiring is also encouraged to keep you mobilised, preventing your joints from losing their function. However, you have to keep that at a minimum because you easily get tired, and you won't like the effects of exhaustion.
Symptoms LupusAnd because natural treatment methods are being preferred for the symptoms of lupus, you should take advantage of this recently developed natural cure for lupus. Be more informed of this treatment for symptoms of lupus by visiting What Lupus Is [].
Alleviate Symptoms of Lupus Disease Naturally
Symptoms LupusRead through The Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Can it Help Defeat Arthritis, Lupus and Other Chronic Diseases? far more
According to some proponents of an Anti-Inflammatory diet, low grade inflammation may be at the root of everything from heart disease and diabetes to arthritis and Alzheimer's disease. Inflammation is the way the body's immune system responds to attack, injury or infection. Symptoms include swelling, pain, sometimes loss of movement or function and red coloration.
The immune system is a complex system of organs, tissues and specialized cells that protects the body from invasions by viruses, bacteria and allergens as well as harmful insiders such as infected cells and toxins. Autoimmune diseases are a result of the system turning on itself and damaging tissue and creating substances that result in chronic health conditions. Type 1 diabetes, arthritis, cancer, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus are all examples of autoimmune diseases.
The immune system response to an unhealthy diet can lead to this chronic inflammation. Although an anti-inflammatory diet cannot eradicate inflammation, it purportedly can reduce the inflammation that causes autoimmune disease.
Aren't there drugs that can do this? Yes, of course there are. That is what NSAIDs (NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) are for. And they work; sort of. There are mixed reports on NSAIDs effect on inflammation. Some evidence shows that people on NSAIDs for long periods have a lower incidence of autoimmune disease. Other studies show that long term use can actually lead to cardiovascular problems.
What is an Anti-Inflammatory Diet ?
Any food with refined sugar or white flour in it tends to be inflammatory. Fast foods, deep fried foods, fat and processed foods all are considered inflammatory. An anti-inflammatory diet would exclude these items and include fresh fruits and vegetables, Omega 3 oils such as found in salmon, and a minimum of red meat. In other words this diet is no different from what we have constantly been told is a healthy diet. There are popular diets that are good examples.
The DASH Diet...DASH stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. This diet consists of whole grains and grain products, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, low or non-fat dairy products, lean meats, fish and poultry, nuts, seeds and legumes with a very limited amount of fats and sweets.
The South Beach Diet...This diet boasts a life changing regimen that allows you to live contentedly without eating bad carbohydrate and fats. It works in three phases. Phase One lasts two weeks and consists of normal portions but all carbohydrates are restricted. In Phase Two some banned foods are introduced. This phase lasts until desired weight is reached. Phase Three is for maintenance and should be followed indefinitely.
The Mediterranean Diet...Key components of this diet include:
Getting plenty of exercise and eating your meals with family and friends
Eating a generous amount of fruits and vegetables
Consuming healthy fats such as olive oil and canola oil
Using herbs and spices instead of salt to flavor foods
Eating small portions of nuts
Drinking red wine, in moderation, for some
Consuming very little red meat
Eating fish or shellfish at least twice a week
This has proven to be one of the healthiest diets in the world.
The Zone Diet...Described by it's creator Barry Sears not a diet but a healthy, balanced lifestyle he says it can best be described as a moderate-carbohydrate, moderate-protein, moderate-fat diet that has approximately one gram of fat for every two grams of protein and three grams of carbohydrates (The Zone Diet 1-2-3 Method). It is promoted as an anti-inflammatory diet .
Whether inflammation actually causes chronic diseases or merely accompanies them is probably not well established. However, like many preventable diseases, if inflammation can be controlled with a healthy diet, exercise, and a positively altered life style, isn't it worth a try?
LupusI write about senior wellness and disease prevention. I believe that national health costs could be cut in half if everyone took personal responsibility for their own health.
There is much more @
The Anti-Inflammatory Diet - Can it Help Defeat Arthritis, Lupus and Other Chronic Diseases?
Go through Lupus Disease - 3 Basic Insights much more
What do you know about Lupus?
A common disease that 1 in 2000 people have.
Common in people of African-American or Asian heritage.
Diagnosed most commonly in ages 15-45
My brother-in-law was finally diagnosed with Lupus when in his 50's.
He had an ongoing battle with a basic lack of energy and unsettled medical condition. Many doctors prescribed various medications for the unknown problem he was experiencing and after 7 years of taking one particular prescription, his whole body was contaminated.
We finally persuaded him to try an herbal blood and body cleanser. For weeks he discharged an orange colored content in the toilet. This was the same color as his pills.
It was too late for him to recover. He ended up with a need for a biweekly dialysis. His liver was unable to take the treatment it had received from all the experimenting, trying to find out what was wrong with him.
The result?
Lost his job while in his forties.
His wife, my sister, became the wage earner.
Fortunately, the medical system in Canada came to the rescue.
What can we conclude here?
If you are experiencing a listlessness or unusual points of pain in your joints or you just are feeling generally unhappy, ask your doctor to test you for Lupus. A queer skin lesion is sometimes a good place to start. Get a qualified Doctor to biopsy and test the lesion or rash. That is how my Lupus was established as a fact.
Remember, Lupus can be different for every individual. The sooner you find out whether it is part of your particular health condition, the better. Just maybe you can keep your Liver in good condition.
LupusTag :
Lupus Disease - 3 Basic Insights
Read Arthritis Inflammation Symptoms, Treatments much more
Arthritis Inflammation Symptoms, Treatments
Lupus SymptomsWhen you suffer from arthritis, you experience severe inflammation in your one or more joints. Injuries, fractures, dislocations and the resurfacing of old injuries are the factors that can lead to joint inflammation.
While injuries and infection may trigger inflammation, the most common cause is arthritis. There are hundred kinds of arthritis but not all types cause inflammation. The most common arthritis types associated with inflammation include:
Rheumatoid Arthritis
It is an autoimmune disease in which the body's immune system attacks the joints causing painful inflammation in joints. The most common symptoms are joint pain, swelling, stiffness, tiredness, depression, and anaemia. Some patients also develop flu-like symptoms, such as feeling ill, feeling hot and sweating.
Some less common symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis include inflammation in the eyes, rheumatoid nodules and weight loss. In rare cases inflammation may occur in other body parts, namely lungs and blood vessels and the membrane around your heart.
The initial treatment options available for rheumatoid arthritis are physical therapies and anti-rheumatic drugs- painkillers (analgesics), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) and steroids.
In cases where body joints give severe pain, stiffness and immobility replacement surgeries like knee replacement hip replacement may be needed.
Psoriatic Arthritis
This arthritic condition causes painful inflammation in and around body joints and tendons. Symptoms of this condition include inflammation in your spine (spondylitis) causing stiffness in back or neck, swelling in and around your fingers or toes (dactylitis), buttock pain, inflammation where tendons attach to bone (enthesitis) causing pain and swelling in your heels, knee, hip bones and chest.
NSAIDs and DMARDs are most often used to treat psoriatic arthritis. In very rare occasions, surgery is used to repair damaged tendon. The joint that has been long damaged by inflammation is best treated with joint replacement surgery.
Gouty Arthritis
Gout is considered as the most painful form of inflammatory arthritis. The symptoms of gout are caused by abnormally high level of uric acid that builds up and forms crystals in the joints, which can lead to recurring attacks of joint inflammation. Gout most commonly affects the small joint at the base of the big toe but it affects other joints as well, including the ankles, knees, fingers, wrists, and elbows.
Symptoms of gout usually include intensely painful and swollen joints, redness and warmth on the affected joint and red or purple skin around the joint.
Treating the gout usually involves either anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids that can help reduce the pain and inflammation of gout attacks. Some certain medications decrease the level of uric acid in the bloodstream. Many gout patients turn to natural methods to reduce the risk of future gout attacks. In order to prevent gout flares you should modify your diets- avoid overindulgence in meat, seafood and alcohol; and drink more water- consume beverages that contain more water. Losing weight, following a moderate exercise regimen and taking supplements can be of great help.
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Also referred to as Lupus, it is an autoimmune disease in which the body's natural defense system attacks healthy body cells and tissues. This inappropriate response of body's immune system causes inflammation which in turn leads to pain, swelling and tissue damage throughout the body.
Some lupus sufferers develop only mild symptoms, including tiredness, joint pain, swelling (arthritis) and fever. In some cases skin rash, hair loss and mouth sores can also occur. The times when symptoms get worse the patients may experience problems with the heart, kidneys, blood cells, lungs, or nervous system.
Lupus can be best treated by taking nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and applying medicated cream for rashes. Taking proper rest, avoiding the sun and regular exercise can help you cope with the condition.
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Understand What Are Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Lupus? much more
There are millions of people in America, most of them women, who are suffering with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and/or lupus. All three of these syndromes are classified as autoimmune diseases. That means that the immune system has turned against a specific part or parts of the body and is attacking and destroying those tissues and organs. For years, doctors have been trying to get answers regarding these illnesses, their causes, treatment options, and symptom-attacks called episodes or flares. Here's why...
Fibromyalgia Syndrome- A chronic condition causing: intense widespread pain, painful points on specific parts of the body, extreme fatigue that doesn't go away with sleep or rest, muscle stiffness and weakness, cognitive and memory problems, mental fog, insomnia and other sleep disturbances, gastrointestinal issues including irritable bowel syndrome, depression and anxiety, mood swings, hypersensitivity to heat/cold/ noises/ odors/foods/medications, unexplained vision changes and blind spots, dry eyes, vertigo and dizziness, endometriosis, migraines and headaches...and dozens of other symptoms.
Fibromyalgia is frequently misunderstood by family, friends, co-workers and even medical doctors who don't believe that the person is actually ill. Getting a diagnosis of fibromyalgia may take months or even years. Sufferers of fibromyalgia usually end up seriously limiting their physical activity level, changing their lifestyle to cope with the symptoms, and may even have to modify their jobs or quit working altogether. Blood tests, x-rays, and other imaging tests are currently not available for diagnosis of fibromyalgia, although blood tests may be used to rule out other syndromes and illnesses.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome- A chronic condition causing: Incapacitating fatigue/exhaustion, chronic pain, chronic flu-like symptoms, joint pain without swelling or redness, muscle weakness, sore throat, tender lymph nodes, chronic cough, nausea, earaches, morning stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, problems with concentration and/or short-term memory, mental fog, depression and anxiety, panic attacks, personality changes and mood swings, irregular heartbeat, shortness of breath, frequent resistant respiratory infections, alcohol intolerance, hypersensitivity to heat/cold/ noises/ odors/foods/medications, low-grade fever, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), rashes, endometriosis, seizures, and dozens of other symptoms.
Often confused with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome is thought to possibly be a different manifestation of the same autoimmune disease. Both illnesses are thought to be caused at least in part by an infection... possibly from Epstein Barr virus, although there is a long list of viral suspects being tested today. Also there seems to be a genetic component in both conditions and sufferers frequently have symptoms of both syndromes.
Just as with fibromyalgia, the sufferer may not be diagnosed for months or even years, and their support system may be hampered by disbelief in the condition. Chronic fatigue sufferers have trouble keeping up with their responsibilities both at home and at work, and job changes, modifications, and even quitting work altogether, are common. The sufferer is not only dealing with the extreme fatigue, but with the wide range of other symptoms that make it hard to function at all. Because of the broad spectrum of symptoms, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome misdiagnoses are not unusual. The symptoms themselves are, in many cases, distinct and separate diseases that accompany or co-exist as a manifestation of the syndrome.
Lupus- A chronic condition causing: Fatigue, fever, joint pain, stiffness and swelling, a reddish butterfly-shaped rash on the face covering the bridge of the nose and cheeks, chest pain, shortness of breath, skin lesions that are worse with exposure to the sun, Raynaud's phenomenon (fingers and toes that turn blue when exposed to cold or during stressful situations), dry eyes, headaches, confusion and memory loss, and many other symptoms.
Symptoms of lupus may manifest suddenly or develop slowly over time. They may be mild or severe, temporary or permanent. No two cases of lupus are alike. Most people with lupus have a mild form of the disease until severe episodes erupt. Then, symptoms get worse for a time... then may improve... or even disappear indefinitely!
Because the signs and symptoms of lupus in individuals vary widely, diagnosing lupus is difficult. The symptoms change over time and overlap with many other disorders... just as with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. Fortunately, a combination of tests (urine and blood), plus the symptoms and physical examination can provide doctors with the answers they need.
In time, new developments in the study and treatment of autoimmune diseases will lead to cures for these debilitating syndromes. For now, treatment and learning behaviors (taking precautions to reduce or eliminate flares) for the symptoms of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lupus, can give sufferers some relief.
As a sufferer of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and/or lupus, your knowledge of what works for you are your best defense against flares. Keep records of changes in your health and medications, food allergies, and any activity that triggers symptoms. Then, give the information to your doctor so that he can benefit from what you've learned and provide you with the best treatment options.
And take control of your nutrition. Natural treatments including strengthening your body from the inside out by repairing damage caused by these autoimmune syndromes, can go a long way to helping you control the symptoms of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lupus. I am a fibromyalgia "survivor" and I can tell you that for long-term remission of symptoms, the best treatments I've found have been the inclusion of nutritional supplements into my diet. They've gotten me off expensive medications with my doctors' approval and they can do the same for you! For more information about using natural treatments to help you control your symptoms, contact me now by clicking on one of the links below.
LupusCarol Ryland is the President of a successful health and wellness business, dedicated to educating and mentoring individuals in the natural treatment of illnesses. Writer of many articles on fibromyalgia and related topics, she is a fibromyalgia survivor with a deep personal understanding of the syndrome and its devastating effects.
What Are Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and Lupus?
Read through Premature Menopause Symptoms and Conditions That Cause Early or Premature Menopause far more
Premature Menopause Symptoms and Conditions That Cause Early or Premature Menopause
Lupus SymptomsPremature menopause symptoms occur in some women because of genetics, medical procedures or illness. Unlike perimenopause, which is a natural condition that refers to the years leading up to or around menopause, premature menopause refers to menopause that occurs in a woman under the age of 40. Premature menopause symptoms are basically the same as the symptons of menopause.
Premature menopause symptoms include irregular periods that are heavier or lighter than usual and hot flashes. Some women experience vaginal dryness, irritable bladder or bladder control issues, mood swings, dry skin, sleeplessness and decreased libido. These are typical symptons of menopause; the number and degree of severity that a woman experiences varies.
Medical procedures that can cause premature menopause include chemotherapy or radiation therapy and surgical removal of the ovaries. Radiation therapy does not always cause premature menopause, as treatment does not always damage the ovaries. Hysterectomy sometimes includes removal of the ovaries, but not in all cases. Surgical procedures performed to treat colon and rectal cancer sometimes involves removal of the ovaries. Cervical cancer that does not respond to surgery and radiation sometimes leads to the removal of most of the organs in the pelvis, including the ovaries.
Some women appear to be genetically predisposed to premature menopause. If your mother or sister was diagnosed with premature menopause then you should see your doctor if you begin to have any of the symptons of menopause listed above. Premature menopause symptoms are similar to the symptoms caused by numerous other more serious medical conditions. Thus, it is never safe to assume that you are experiencing premature menopause without first consulting your doctor.
Other conditions that increase the likelihood of premature menopause include Graves' disease, hypothyroidism, lupus or another autoimmune disease in yourself or a family member. Unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant for a year or more could be due to premature menopause. Symptoms can be minor and sometimes unnoticed. If you have concerns consult your doctor. If you interested in information about perimenopause, natural menopause or premenstrual syndrome, please visit the Menopause and PMS Guide.
Patsy Hamilton was a health care professional for over twenty years before becoming a freelance writer. Currently she writes informational articles focused on womenÂ’s health for the Menopause and PMS Guide. Visit us at
Study Early Menopause and Lupus a lot more
Early Menopause and Lupus
Lupus SymptomsEarly menopause occurs most often in women who are 30 to 40 years of age. It may occur in women younger than that with underlying causes. It very important that if you are suffering the signs of early menopause that you consult a doctor to rule out anything else that may be happening or a consequence of other health conditions. This is especially important if you have lupus and are experiencing signs of early menopause.
Lupus Symptoms
There are a few types of lupus including Discoid Lupus and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. Discoid Lupus most often affects the skin. It will present as a red rash that could have raised edges. It commonly occurs on the face and scalp. The rash is not itchy but scarring on the scalp can cause irreversible hair loss. Up to approximately 10% of those who have Discoid Lupus will develop Systemic Lupus Erythematosus.
The most common complaints of those who suffer with systemic lupus erythematosus include fatigue, loss of appetite, muscle pain, arthritis and mouth/ nose ulcerations.
A facial rash (butterfly rash), photosensitivity and inflammation of the lining that surrounds the heart-pleuritis and the heart-pericarditis are also symptoms of lupus. Problems with circulation to the fingers and toes when it is really cold are also called Raynaud's phenomenon. Inflammation of the brain, liver, and kidneys also occur in SLE. There may be a decrease in white blood cells and clotting factors. This increases the risk of infections and bleeding.
More than 50% of those with SLE will develop the flat red butterfly rash. Most SLE sufferers will develop a type of arthritis that is very similar to rheumatoid arthritis. The small joints of the hands, the wrists, and feet may swell, become painful, stiff and sometimes deformed. Inflammation of the blood vessels especially those that supply oxygen to tissues can cause nerve injury, injury to the skin, or injury to an internal organ.
These are some of the major and most common symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus. Within each symptom is a set of sub-symptoms that result from the main symptoms. Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can be very treatable. It may also cause death depending on which body organs are affected.
The diagnosis of systemic lupus erythematosus is determined if a patient has four or more of eleven criteria. They are: malar-butterfly rash, discoid rash with patchy redness, photosensitivity (sensitivity to light), mucus membrane ulcers, arthritis, pleuritis and pericaridits-inflammations of the linings of the heart lungs along with pain when breathing, kidney abnormalities including an abnormal quantity of urine protein or clusters of cellular elements (casts), brain irritation, blood count abnormalities, immunological disorders-abnormal results of such tests as Anti-DNA, or anti-Sm, testing positive for antinuclear antibody.
Other tests could include a Sedimentation Rate, blood chemistry and evaluation of body fluids, as well as tissue biopsies. SLE can also cause one to enter early menopause
Treatments of systemic lupus erythematosus include get more rest during the active phases of the disease. Inadequate sleep is key in the progression of fatigue in SLE patients. A doctor must focus on poor sleep and the effects of depression, insufficient exercise and patient's personal care coping abilities on their over-all health. Drugs that are used to relieve symptoms of SLE include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that help muscle, joint and other body tissue pain.
Corticosteroids are stronger in lessening inflammation and restoring the ability to function when SLE is active and they are helpful when internal organs are involved. They can be delivered in a number of forms but they have some serious side effects in long-term use at high doses. Thinning skin and bones, weight gain, infections, diabetes, facial puffiness, cataracts and even death (necrosis) of large joints are also possible. There is a wide variety of types of drugs used to treat mild to severe cases of SLE.
Symptoms of Early Menopause
Lupus and early menopause have some common symptoms. Sleep problems, heart palpitations, headaches and hot flashes that can occur in lupus and the patient not are menopausal. Irregular periods and bleeding are classic signs of beginning menopause. If you are a woman with lupus menstruation can continue but as has been mentioned become irregular and cease altogether catapulting you into early menopause. Other symptoms of it include appetite changes, weight gain, body aches, and mood swings all of which can also occur in lupus.
Early menopause in lupus can occur as a result of the disease itself. It can also be a result of the medications used to treat lupus. It can also be a result of heredity as opposed the disease or treatments of the disease.
Treatment of these symptoms can be HRT- hormone replacement therapy, anti-depressants, and anti-inflammatories. These treatments can have some very serious side effects such as increased risk for heart attack and some cancers. Most women seek to avoid these side effects and turn to natural treatments such as herbal supplementation.
Herbal supplements may also include vitamins such as B-complex and C vitamins and minerals such as magnesium and zinc. In order to get the highest quality supplement there should be no fillers or preservatives. The ingredients will have had the molecular path tested at the molecular level and their interactions evaluated as well. Only standardized herbal extracts are used and they are made to meet pharmaceutical grade standards. This all helps to guarantee top quality and consistent dosing from capsule to capsule.
Lupus is an autoimmune disease that can attack the skin discoid lupus erythematosus and systemic lupus erythematosus that affects the joints and internal organs. It is a connective tissue disease. Either the disease itself or the medications that are used to treat lupus can put a woman into early menopause. A doctor's examination will help to determine the best course of treatment including the possible benefits of herbal supplementation.
John Gibb is a nutrition enthusiast with over ten years of nutrition education and has now become a freelance writer. Currently, he focuses on information articles focused on women's health and fitness. Read more at
Go through Do You Know the Types of Lupus? a lot more
Sometimes, a lupus flare-up comes suddenly and without warning. You may see a butterfly rash over the bridge of your nose and swelling, or you may experience headaches, dizziness, a fever and pain in various locations. According to the Lupus Foundation, there are some things that you can do to prevent a flare-up.
Always take your prescribed medication, never miss a doctor's appointment (even if you feel fine), avoid sulfonomide drugs (typically used to treat bronchitis or urinary tract infections), decrease your exposure to sunlight and use sunscreen, get lots of rest and do not smoke. The good news is that 80-90% of the people with this condition can still live a normal life span, with treatment.
There are five types of lupus: systemic lupus erythematosus, which affects the joints and organs; discoid lupus, which affects the skin; sub-acute cutaneous lupus erythematosus, which is characterized by skin lesions; drug-induced lupus that develops after a drug reaction; and neonatal lupus that affects newborns. Lupus signs include: fatigue, fever, weight loss/gain, joint pain/stiffness/swelling, butterfly rashes on the cheeks, skin lesions that worsen with sunlight, mouth sores, fingers and toes that turn white or blue in the cold, shortness of breath, chest pain, dry eyes, easy bruising, anxiety, depression and/or memory loss.
The Lupus Foundation says there are no two cases of such a condition that are exactly alike. Signs may emerge gradually or come on suddenly, and can be mild or severe. Most people have "flare-ups" or episodes. To test for lupus, your doctor will ask you some questions, run a standard physical, take urine and blood samples and perform an electrocardiogram.
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) manifests itself as an inflammation, with rashes and scarring on the face, ears and scalp. The lesions may be inflamed, scaling or crusty in appearance, with the centers lighter and the rims darker. A small percentage of these patients have internal organ failure too, but usually symptoms are primarily skin-related.
Cortisone ointment or injections can be helpful in treating the flare-ups. Drugs like Plaquenil, Aralen, Imiquimod, Quinacrine, Accutane or Soriatane are sometimes prescribed but should be carefully monitored for side effects.
Dealing with this condition can be an emotional ordeal. Sometimes sufferers encounter depression, anxiety, fatigue and high levels of stress. Learn all you can about systemic lupus erythematosus to help yourself cope. Reading about new treatments and research being done can give you a sense of hope.
Be open with your family and friends about how you are feeling and let them know how they can help. Meditating, writing in a journal or simply making time for yourself through rituals or routines can make life more enjoyable as well. For sufferers of this condition, it's empowering to connect with others who are experiencing the same life events. You can check the Lupus Foundation or Arthritis Foundation websites for the nearest chapter.
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Do You Know the Types of Lupus?
Study Muscle Arthritis - Symptoms and Treatment Explained additional
Myositis is the medical term for inflammation of muscle tissue and one type of muscle arthritis is dermatomyositis. (Without the rash, the condition is called polymyositis.) In this form, there is soreness and inflammation and pain in the muscles but there is also an accompanying dry rash affecting the skin. This rash is commonly seen on the face and neck, chest and back and the shoulders. Heart muscle may also be affected as well as the lung tissues. It is usually dusky and a purplish red color. This is an autoimmune condition and is treated with anti-inflammatory medications including steroids.
Another disease that can be considered muscle arthritis is called fibromyalgia. Along with muscle pain and aches, fibromyalgia can produce pain in the joints and other connective tissue like tendon and ligaments, as well as fatigue, depression, headache, anxiety, sleep problems and numbness in the extremities. To have this diagnosis, symptoms must last at least three months and at least 11 of the 18 trigger points associated with FM must be tender to the touch.
Treatment for FM has until very recently been simply medications directed at relieving pain and specifics for other symptoms, but now medications specifically for fibromyalgia have reached the market and can be prescribed. About 2% of the population has symptoms of FM.
Another muscle arthritis is the systematic illness called lupus. Usually joints are affected but some lupus patients also have muscle aches and pain associated with the condition. Lupus is treated with corticosteroids and other immune system modifiers. Symptoms of lupus can include a butterfly shaped rash across the face, fevers, fatigue, multiple joint arthritis and many other symptoms. Blood work can help to make the diagnosis. Lupus is also an autoimmune disease and the cause is not known. It is about ten times as common in men as it is in women.
Finally, there is polymyalgia rheumatica. The symptoms of polymyalgia rheumatica are moderate to severe muscle pain and the location is almost always in or near the neck, shoulders and hips and can come on very suddenly. In virtually every case, a person with polymyalgia rheumatica will have an abnormally high red blood cell sedimentation rate. This disease is often associated with a serious vascular affliction called polyarteritis or sometimes giant cell arteritis in which blood vessels become inflamed. However, prompt treatment usually controls both conditions or polymyalgia rheumatica alone.
A corticosteroid like prednisone is usually given and will produce a remission which can last some time. If the condition recurs, the drug is restarted and can control symptoms. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications are also used. The disease may also go away on its own but this can take a year or more.
One last form of muscle arthritis is a side effect of drugs given to lower cholesterol called lipid reducing drugs or statins. While not common, this condition called rhabdomyolysis can have serious implications including kidney and heart damage. Persons taking statins need to report any unusual muscle aches and pains to their physicians at once.
While muscle arthritis can be painful and frightening, most forms of it do respond well to treatment. The most important thing is to report muscle pains to a physician, learn the cause, and to then use appropriate treatments for whichever condition is to blame.
There are many online articles about arthritis symptoms and treatments written by Millard Hiner and learn more about Epsom Salts - Arthritis Cure
Muscle Arthritis - Symptoms and Treatment Explained
Lupus SymptomsRead through Discoid Lupus - Discover Discoid Lupus Symptoms much more
Systemic lupus may affect vital organs, joints and the central nervous system. Discoid lupus is much less common compared to systemic lupus and is a form of the autoimmune disorder which has indications limited to the skin.
As with systemic lupus, there is not a single acknowledged cause for discoid lupus. Research shows signs that a genetic element may perhaps influence the likelihood of generating the condition, yet there is no acknowledged discoid lupus gene. The majority of health experts believe that a combination of multiple factors may trigger the malady into action.
Not surprisingly, there is no particular way to check for the incidence of discoid lupus.Symptoms present themselves and might offer a medical expert adequate details to make a diagnosis. The medical expert will often consider the nature of the symptoms, their severity, the patient's medical background, the results of any finished blood tests along with a multitude of other aspects when deciding whether someone should be diagnosed with discoid lupus. There are a variety of lupus signs and symptoms. The inflammatory autoimmune condition attacks the sufferer's skin in a wide variety ways, because of the presence of blood antibodies that seem to operate against the well-being of their very own tissues. The skin-related lupus signs alter with each particular person, but there are several that are considerably more frequently experienced than others. Here are a few of the most typical discoid lupus symptoms:
• Rash inside the ear
• Changes in skin coloration
• Long-lasting rashes (from days to years)
• Raised, red rash often appearing on the face or scalp
• Rash on the bridge of the nose
• Enlargement of the lymph nodes
• Frequent rashes on the arms and legs
• Scaly rashes
• Scarring as a result of rashes
• Hair loss following scalp rashes
• Raised gamma globulin levels in the blood
• Rash to the inside of the mouth
• Many red skin patches on various areas of the body
This is not an exclusive collection of lupus symptoms. Additionally, a lot of people who will receive a diagnosis will not experience all of the above symptoms. The majority of sufferers will display at least a couple with a few of them tending to be rather serious, however.
Discoid lupus is a mysterious autoimmune condition that may have many skin-related signs. While there is no proven remedy for lupus, a variety of everyday living and nutritional changes can result in an overall decrease in the severity of discoid lupus symptoms.
Symptoms LupusClick here to find the most effective method around for reversing lupus without using harmful drugs. Change your life, learn the truth and discover the secrets behind a lupus natural cure
Discoid Lupus - Discover Discoid Lupus Symptoms
Understand What Is Lupus? The Facts a lot more
What Is Lupus? The Facts
Symptoms LupusWhat is lupus disease? It's a question that has baffled doctors and medical researchers for decades, and there's still not a real good answer to that question. Although advancements have been made in lupus diagnosis and lupus treatment, the exact mechanism that causes the disease and the relationships between hereditary, environmental, and hormonal factors are still unknown.
Here's what we do know...
What Is Lupus? A Closer Look At The Facts
Lupus disease afflicts more than 1.5 million Americans and over 5 million people worldwide. 9 out of every 10 lupus patients are women and those in their childbearing years (ages 15-45) are the most susceptible although the condition can affect people of all ages, both men and women.
Lupus is classified as a chronic autoimmune disease. When someone has the disease, their immune system goes haywire in a series of flares (when lupus symptoms are present) and remissions (when a person appears healthy and does not experience any symptoms). Lupus symptoms can last for years and can be difficult to diagnose as they mimic the symptoms of several other diseases.
In a normal, healthy person, the immune system fights off and protects the body from foreign invaders. This includes things like bacteria and viruses which the white blood cells recognize and eliminate by secreting protein antibodies that destroy the foreign bodies. The immune system is the body's way of protecting itself.
However, when a person has lupus disease, the immune system mistakes healthy tissues for foreign invaders and attacks them with autoantibodies. In short, the body turns on itself and attacks its own cells and tissues. The end result is tissue damage, inflammation, pain, and even death in severe cases.
The skin, joints, and internal organs (the kidneys, lungs, heart, and brain) are most commonly affected, but lupus can impact all areas of the human body. The most common lupus symptoms in women and men include fatigue, swollen joints, fever, discoid and butterfly rashes, and kidney nephritis, but patients may also experience a host of other symptoms.
When people mention the term "lupus", they are usually referring to systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), but the disease can take on many different forms including discoid or skin lupus, drug induced lupus, and neonatal lupus. Lupus treatment carries with it a host of side effects since it often involves the use of drugs such as anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids aimed at reducing swelling.
Next, here's how to greatly reduce lupus rashes and flare ups and treat lupus via alternative methods: Lupus Symptoms In Women
If you really want to cure lupus and end your chronic fatigue, embarrassing rashes, and persistent joint pain so you can get your life back, then discover how lupus disease sufferers are finding relief by visiting: What Is Lupus
Read Symptoms Of Sarcoid - What Are The Symptoms Of Sarcoidosis? a lot more
The symptoms of sarcoid vary greatly in numbers and manifestation, depending greatly upon which body organs that the disease affects. Many people who have sarcoid disease, also referred to as sarcoidosis, may not display any symptoms at all, and only discover the condition by accident following other unrelated investigations. The following are some of the symptoms of sarcoidosis that may occur.
Sarcoidosis Lung Symptoms
-shortness of breath
-dry, irritating cough
-possible chest pain
Sarcoidosis Skin Symptoms
-different types of bumps that appear mostly near the nose, eyes, arms and legs
-erythema nodosum, painful bumps usually on ankles and shins
-lupus pernio, skin sores that may appear on the nose, cheeks, ears and fingers
Sarcoidosis Eye Symptoms
-burning or itching
-red eye
-floaters ( black spots)
-blurred vision
-light sensitivity
Sarcoidosis Heart Symptoms
-shortness of breath
-swollen legs
-irregular heartbeat
Sarcoidosis Liver Symptoms
-pain in abdomen
-enlarged liver
Joint and Muscle Symptoms
-joint pain
-muscle aches
-muscle weakness
-painful arthritis in ankles
General Symptoms
-overall feeling of ill health
-tiredness and weakness
-loss of appetite or weight
-night sweats
-sleep problems
This list is by no means exhaustive, as sarcoidosis can affect many organs of the body. Also, many of these symptoms can also be related to other diseases, so medical investigation is obviously advisable. If sarcoidosis has been diagnosed, then a natural treatment option for the symptoms of sarcoid may be a choice that would be more acceptable than the taking of steroids, in order to avoid possible side effects.
One such highly successful natural treatment is known as the Aden Protocol. Impressive remission rates have been achieved worldwide giving sufferers a massive opportunity to relieve and eliminate the symptoms of sarcoidosis.
Symptoms LupusSymptoms of sarcoid details and treatment, naturally dealing with the actual triggers of the disease, together with essential and KEY dietary information, can be found at
Symptoms Of Sarcoid - What Are The Symptoms Of Sarcoidosis?
Symptoms LupusGo through Revealed - The Best Natural Lupus Treatment extra
Is there a best natural lupus treatment? I feel the ideal natural treatment would have been a multi-dimensional holistic method. The method should know that the signs of the illness are caused by a root problem, a symbol there is dysfunction within the body. The key objective in the treatment must be to correct this root problem, if the problem is adjusted the symptoms will obviously go away. It is a far cry from your well known drug approach which aims to merely address the symptoms in an continuous basis and do nothing on your root dysfunction.
Lupus also referred to as Systemic lupus erythematosus or SLE is a systemic autoimmune disease. It is able to alter any part in the body but most frequently causes difficulties with the heart, skin, joint parts, lung area, arteries, renal system, liver and also neurological system. The situation itself is susceptible to flair ups and also occasions when the illness is in remission. Females are usually nine times prone to be afflicted by the illness as compared to gentlemen. The normal generation afflicted is relating to the age groups of 15-35 yrs old. This article go over standard treatments and then natural lupus treatment.
Natural lupus treatment is surely extra to traditional treatment techniques. This frequently includes pain relief with medications and also anti-inflammatory drugs. Tougher medication called disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs are generally also used. Furthermore with lupus to soothe the over reactive immune system, affected individuals receive immunosuppressive drugs. On this last one, a wary balance between offering symptomatic relief however, not debilitating the immune system so much the particular person gets unwell, will have to be achieved. Whilst medication may have a place in our treatments for lupus, there isn't any hurt in attempting a natural lupus treatment.
Natural lupus treatments will put less of a toxic load on the body and have less side effects. All medication that goes into the body will need to be broken down by the liver. This can put a tremendous strain on that organ. Also all medication produces side effects. Sometimes it is like swapping one symptom for another, as you replace your original symptom with a side effect from the medication. Dietary changes are a good starting point for a natural lupus treatment. There are known foods that promote autoimmune responses. The main ones being wheat and dairy. Unfortunately, removing two popular food groups can seem a bit difficult for some people.
While dietary intervention is a good starting point for a natural lupus treatment, it is just one piece of the puzzle. After removing offending foods, we want to replace these with wholesome and nourishing foods. Foods that can reduce inflammation, calm the body and restore health. Plus we also want to address the mental and emotional aspects of healing. Stress and emotions can play a large role in our immune system function and inflammation. This may all seem a little bit overwhelming to begin with. The whole approach can be made a lot easier. I suggest if you are serious about a using a natural lupus treatment that you learn more about it and become better educated.
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Revealed - The Best Natural Lupus Treatment
Go through Physical Or Emotional Symptoms - Healing is Possible a lot more
Physical Or Emotional Symptoms - Healing is Possible
Lupus SymptomsAre you experiencing physical or emotional symptoms that no one is able to explain or treat successfully? Have you taken prescriptions, antidepressants, etc to little or no avail? If so, you are suffering from trauma from an event you might have long ago forgotten. Yes, Virginia, what you don't remember can hurt you. If you were diagnosed with PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Cancer, Arthritis, MS, TMJ, you need a treatment protocol specifically focused on the after affects of trauma.
A 'talking cure,' or antidepressants, etc. are ineffective in healing the root cause of trauma. The only effective treatment is a deep physiological and spiritual healing process for releasing the past energetic traumas on a mind, body-cellular and spiritual level.
Medical researchers have known for decades that survivors of accidents, disasters, and childhood traumas often endure long-term symptoms ranging from anxiety and depression to unexplained physical pain, such as: arthritis, lupus, fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, MS, TMJ, insomnia, PMS, etc.
All animals, including humans, are born with a natural ability to rebound from these distressing situations, given the appropriate deep level emotional and physical release. Animals nurture each other after a stressful event, they lick, nuzzle and groom one another. To their detriment, humans have long ago discontinued this important stress reliever ritual of nurturing and comforting one another.
Using a four phase method of somatic healing you will learn how and where you are storing unresolved distress, how to become aware of your body's physiological response to danger. Once this stress is released and you have processed the unexplained emotions and spiritual trauma, your mind, body and spirit returns to its natural state you were meant to live - peace of mind.
Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, Life Coach, Hypnosis Practitioner, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your Life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.
Go through Alternative Therapies - Lupus and the Benefits of Fish Oil far more
Alternative Therapies - Lupus and the Benefits of Fish Oil
Lupus SymptomsWhen looking for ways to deal with ailments, many people are now looking for answers in alternative therapies. Lupus, however, seems like a condition that wouldn't benefit much from the use of "home cures." But this isn't the case. Many people who suffer from this disease find that alternative remedies help to relieve their symptoms, and continue to lead active lives. And one of the alternative remedies that seem to be the most effective against lupus is fish oil.
When searching for ways to treat patients with autoimmune diseases, many doctors actually look for ways to make their patients more comfortable in alternative therapies. Lupus patients, it's been found, can benefit greatly from the Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. How? Well, one of lupus's most problematic symptoms is inflammation. Inflammation of the joints can cause swelling and stiffness, making it hard for the patient to move around and perform normal, day to day activities. And inflammation around the heart and lungs can cause chest pains.
Fish oil can drastically reduce inflammation. It does this by reducing your body's production of inflammatory biochemicals. The fewer of these biochemicals you have running through your body, the less pain and swelling you'll have to contend with.
Try working more fish into your regular diet. And go for the fatty fish that contain more Omega-3 fatty acids. Fish like mackerel, salmon, tuna, herring, and anchovies are a great choice.
If you find working fishing into your diet difficult, or you just don't like the way fish tastes, you can also take fish oil supplements. However, talk to your doctor first. While fish oil has no serious side effects, it can interfere with other medications, making them less potent and effective.
Many people shy away from the use of alternative therapies. Lupus patients, however, should definitely consider using fish oil to help alleviate their symptoms.
Are you suffering the painful and debilitating affects of lupus? Well it's not hopeless. You can find lupus pain relief. To learn more, just go to
Read through Lupus Treatment extra
Although millions of people around the world suffer from lupus there are many who have not even heard of this common disease. It is an autoimmune disease in which the patient's own body turns against itself. In someone suffering from lupus certain antibodies are created which instead of protecting the body tend to turn against it. Since the symptoms of lupus often resemble those of other diseases, treatment is often ignored. There is no single test that can properly diagnose the existence of lupus which is another reason why most of the people are quite ignorant about this disease. Fortunately though, lupus treatment is widely available these days.
Lupus is known to affect several parts of the body and not just a single part. Among the parts that lupus attacks include, heart, kidneys, lungs and blood. One of the common symptoms of lupus includes the breakout of red rashes on the body, most often in the facial region. A good sunscreen can help you cure such a rash. There are many instances when lupus is triggered due to the use of certain types of medication. In such cases lupus treatment depends on getting to know the exact medication which is causing the problem. The entire treatment procedure depends on properly diagnosing the underlying cause for the disease to a large extent. While consulting a doctor for lupus you should therefore always inform them about any other medication that you may be taking for this reason.
As part of lupus treatment, flu shots are also recommended sometimes. This is done in order to prevent other infections from developing, which is common in people suffering from lupus There are many who also feel that lupus can sometimes be triggered by the use of certain products such as hair dyes and dental fillings, although this has not been conclusively proven. In certain cases even fear and anxiety have been known to trigger an attack of lupus.
Lupus treatment therefore depends to a large extent on determining the underlying cause which triggered off the attack in the first place. A healthy diet which contains all the essential nutrients is recommended for both preventing as well as treating lupus Good nutritious diet is known to work wonders in those suffering from lupus Regular exercise along with proper medication is perhaps the best lupus treatment that you can get. There are many breathing exercises that help to calm the body that are known to be beneficial to those suffering from lupus.
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Lupus Treatment
Go through Things You Should Know About Kidney Disease And Lupus far more
Studies revealed that about a third of patients that have systemic lupus erythematosus can develop a kidney disease called lupus nephritis or lupus glomerulonephritis.Lupus nephritis usually shows very few signs. It doesn't cause pain or burning during urination and also it does not produce pain in the abdomen or back.The first symptom the patient with lupus nephritis usually experiences is puffiness in the legs, ankles or fingers. This happens because the loss of protein in the urine may lead to fluid retention with weight gain and swelling.
Sometimes the fact that a patient has lupus nephritis is discovered only after urine studies are made. It is very possible that if there is made another urine test, the urine abnormalities to disappear. But there are patients in which the abnormal findings on urine studies persist or can become even worse in time. This kind of patients require more studies to determine the best treatment to control the disease, because there appears the risk for loss of kidney function.
It is important to know that patients having lupus can experience some symptoms that confuse them and think they have lupus nephritis. For example infections of the urinary tract with burning on urination, or medications used in lupus treatment may produce signs that can start the confusion.There are some tests that can be done in order to find out if a patient has lupus nephritis.
Urinalysis is the most used and the most simple test to do. A urine sample is studied to find out if there is protein and blood cells which are not normally found in the urine.If in the urine sample there are found red blood cells, white blood cells, casts(excretion in the urine of protein or blood cells that collect within the tubules of the kidney), or there is discovered the presence of protein, there exists the possibility of lupus nephritis, and further tests are necessary.Sometimes, it is done a urine collection over a period of 24 hours to measure the kidneys' ability to filter waste products.
Blood studies can also be performed, and we can mention the blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine. These are tests that are made to find out if waste products are being removed properly by the kidney and are not building up in the blood.By measuring the serum albumin, it can be determined if there is a low protein level in the blood, and chemistry studies such as the serum sodium, potassium, and bicarbonate determine the imbalances of salt and water in the blood.There can be also made blood tests in order to determine if there are abnormalities of the immune system.
An intravenous sonogram or pyelogram can be made to determine the size and shape of the kidneys. Usually this test takes place before a kidney biopsy.The kidney biopsy takes place in order to confirm the diagnosis of lupus nephritis. It is made by inserting a needle through the skin of the back and removing a tiny piece of the kidney.Then, the small part taken from the kidney is analyzed under the microscope in order to determine how much inflammation or permanent damage is present within the kidney.
There are four most common types of nephritis: focal or diffuse proliferative nephritis, mesangial nephritis and membranous nephritis.
The treatment for lupus nephritis must be individualized, because there are different patients having different needs. It is important that all factors that appear to be taken in consideration when deciding the treatment.General principles of medical management of kidney disease include anti-hypertensive drugs to control increased blood pressure, diuretic agents to help eliminate excess fluid, changes in the diet to control the intake of salt, proteins and calories. These are very important in lupus nephritis.
Corticosteroids are often used to treat lupus nephritis. We can mention here prednisolone, prednisone and methylprednisolone. There still are some unanswered question about how corticosteroids work and how they may be most effectively used. Usual, high doses of corticosteroids are given until there appears improvement in the lupus nephritis. Then , the dose is reduced, but there is done a careful observation by the physician to make sure that the nephritis doesn't get worse.If corticosteroids are given for long periods, there can appear side effects, like easy bruising, increase in appetite and fluid retention with weight gain, cataracts, thinning of the hair, an increase in the risk of infection, diabetes and other.
When patients do not respond at corticosteroid treatment, they are given Cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs such as azathioprine or cyclophosphamide. The effect of these drugs is to block the function of the immune system.As a result, further damage to the kidneys is prevented. However, even if these drugs may be beneficial, they can also bring serious complications.
Although there is appropriate treatment, there are patients that develop progressive loss of kidney function and renal failure. This requires the use of artificial dialysis, and that can be done by hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis.Also, it can be made a kidney transplantation, and it is known that this has been very successful in patients with renal failure from lupus nephritis.
Over the years, science advanced in the understanding of what causes lupus nephritis, and there were made improvements in ways to treat patients.
Lupus SymptomsFor more resources about discoid lupus please review this or even
Things You Should Know About Kidney Disease And Lupus
Read through Lupus in Pregnant Women a lot more
Lupus is an affection which usually affects women and often it has been said that women who suffer from lupus cannot become pregnant due to their condition. Much more, specialists deny this affirmation, 50% of all women with lupus who become pregnant can have a normal pregnancy and deliver healthy babies. On the other hand, some women may face complications and lose their babies in the early stages of pregnancy.
Furthermore, even though many lupus pregnancies are totally normal, women risk to face problems during the period of their pregnancy. Pregnant women with lupus should be supervised by an obstetrician until the pregnancy ends and in this case the risk of the mother's health is diminished and normal babies can be borne. Moreover, women who suffer from lupus should follow the physician's instructions, they have to adopt a special diet and lifestyle and not in the last place, delivery must take place in a hospital.
First of all, even though, women in remission tend to have less trouble than women with active lupus, a good, healthy diet might help a lot during the pregnancy. So, some of the golden rules that a pregnant woman with lupus should follow are: proper medication, regularly visits at the doctor, an healthy food diet, no bad habits like smoking or drinking and also they should avoid pills that might put in danger the life of the baby.
Secondly, pregnant women may face certain symptoms such as lupus flare, rashes which ca appear due to an increased blood flow in the skin, new hair growth during pregnancy and also severe loss of hair after delivery. What is more is that 20% of lupus patients tend to have a sudden increase in blood pressure, protein in the urine, affections which are known as toxemia and require a serious treatment and even immediate delivery. Another serious complications that may occur to lupus pregnancies are the presence of antibodies which interfere with the function of the placenta. So, these antibodies also known as antiphospholipid usually cause blood clots, including blood clots in the placenta, exposing the placenta to high risks. it is important to mention that many lupus patients have an antibody known as anti-ro or anti-SSA which may affect the unborn babies and exposing them to a syndrome known as neonatal lupus. Moreover, in many cases women who suffer from a severe form of lupus have to pass through a caesarian section in order to save he premature baby.
Taking all these into consideration, pregnant women who suffer from lupus can have a normal pregnancy if they follow an appropriate treatment and have a balanced lifestyle. Furthermore, it has been considered that most medications taken by SLE are safe to use during the pregnancy due to the fact that they don t get through the placenta and in this way the baby is not in danger. Moreover, these medications might help the unborn baby to mature and also they are used in order to fight against complications such as toxemia of pregnancy.
So if you want to find more about Lupus or more details about lupus treatment please follow this link
Lupus in Pregnant Women
LupusUnderstand Shedding Light on Lupus much more
Lupus is a disease that attacks thousands of Americans yearly. Most of its victims are women of childbearing age.
"Lupus occurs more frequently in women than it does in men, though it isn't clear why. Four types of lupus exist - systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), discoid lupus erythematosus, drug-induced lupus erythematosus and neonatal lupus. Of these, SLE is the most common and serious form of lupus," said the Mayo Clinic.
The cause of SLE is unknown. Some say lupus is triggered by medication or a virus that lies dormant in the body until it is activated by sunlight, physical or mental stress, streptococcal or viral infections, pregnancy or certain chemicals.
"Lupus is an autoimmune disease, which means that instead of just attacking foreign substances, such as bacteria and viruses, your immune system also turns against healthy tissue. This leads to inflammation and damage to various parts of the body, including the joints, skin, kidneys, heart, lungs, blood vessels and brain," explained the Mayo Clinic.
The symptoms of SLE vary and include the following: non-deforming arthritis (pain and stiffness in the joints, especially the hands and feet), facial erythema (a butterfly-shaped rash that spreads across the nose and cheeks), sensitivity to light, oral or nasopharyngeal ulcerations, Raynaud's phenomenon (fingers or toes that turn white or blue when exposed to cold or during stressful periods), shortness of breath, chest pain, anxiety, depression and memory loss.
"Drug-induced lupus results from the long-term use of certain prescription drugs. Although many medications can potentially trigger lupus, examples of drugs most clearly linked with the disease include the antipsychotic chlorpromazine, high blood pressure medications such as hydralazine, the tuberculosis drug isoniazid and the heart medication procainamide, among others. It usually takes several months or years of therapy with these drugs before symptoms appear, and even then, only a small percentage of people will ever develop lupus," revealed the Mayo Clinic.
Untreated, the inflammation caused by lupus can affect many parts of the body, damaging the blood vessels, kidneys, lungs, heart and bones.
About 50 percent of patients develop cardiopulmonary abnormalities like pericarditis and dyspnea (shortness of breath). Other complications are myocarditis (inflammation of the heart muscle), endocarditis (inflammation of the valves or lining membrane of the heart) and pneumonitis (inflammation of the lungs). Lupus can also affect the central nervous system and lead to emotional instability, psychoses, irritability and depression.
There is no way to prevent lupus but many drugs can relieve its symptoms. Treatment depends on the signs and symptoms. See a good doctor who will explain the advantages and risks of these drugs.
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Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine []
Shedding Light on Lupus
LupusRead through Lupus - 4 Different Categories extra
Lupus is a disease that forces the immune system to attack healthy tissue. It affects about 1.5 million Americans. Ninety percent of these Americans are women. Lupus is a very difficult disease to diagnose because each lupus patient can display different symptoms. The number of symptoms can also vary between patients. There are 4 different categories of lupus.
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) constitute about 70 percent of the cases of lupus. About 15 percent of the people who have SLE exhibit symptoms during their teen years. This is the most dangerous form of lupus. In this form of lupus, the immune system attacks any system or organ in the body including the joints, skin, lungs, heart, blood, blood vessels, kidney, heart, liver, brain, tendons, pancreas, or nervous system. People between the ages of 15 and 44 are the most likely to develop SLE. The symptoms for SLE can range from being harmless to life threatening. Over 50 percent of all systemic lupus patients in the United States have some degree of brain inflammation. Between 3 and 20 percent suffer strokes. Some of the other more common symptoms are kidney damage, chronic fatigue and painful or swollen joints. Many people with SLE find that the ultraviolet rays from the sun or fluorescent lights make their condition worse. Other symptoms may include an unexplained fever, muscle aches, loss of appetite, hair loss, a butterfly-shaped rash across the nose and cheeks (malar), sores in the nose or mouth, serositis, seizures and a lower than normal number of red blood cells (anemia), white blood cells, or platelets. In addition, about 95% of people with SLE have a positive ANA test.
Discoid lupus erythematosus (DLE) is less harmful than SLE because it only affects the skin. DLE causes disc-shaped, red, raised rashes (discoid) to appear on the cheeks, face, neck, scalp, ears, or other parts of the body. These rashes are much more pronounced than those caused by SLE. They can become scaly and thick and last for years. They can also cause scarring. Only 10 to 15 percent of the lupus cases are DLE cases. Also about 10 percent of DLE patients will develop SLE.
Drug-induced lupus erythematosus (DILE) is caused by the use of certain drugs. Some of these drugs include hydralazine, procainamide, antiseizure medicines and acne medicines. Cocaine use and exposure to mercury can also induce DILE. Men are more likely to develop DILE because they need to use hydralazine and procainamide to treat certain heart conditions. Between 10,000 and 15,000 Americans are diagnosed with DILE every year. The symptoms of DILE are similar to those of SLE, although the symptoms are usually less pronounced. Some symptoms may appear only after taking a certain medication for months or years. Even if you stop taking the medication, the symptoms may not go away until several weeks or months have passed.
Neonatal lupus is a rare condition acquired by babies from mothers who have SLE or another immune system disorder. Scientists believe that the fetus acquires maternal antibodies, which can cause liver problems, skin rash and low blood cell counts. About 50 percent of these babies are born with a permanent heart defect. A pacemaker could be used to help with the heart defect.
About 10 percent of people with lupus also have symptoms characteristic of one or more additional connective tissue diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, myositis, scleroderma and Sjogren's syndrome.
Lupus SymptomsMichael Russell Your Independent guide to Lupus []
Lupus - 4 Different Categories
Lupus SymptomsExamine Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Lupus more
Nutrition and Supplementation
Lupus is often triggered by an allergic reaction to food. People with lupus commonly have trouble with foods such as peanuts, soy, wheat, corn, meat, dairy, and oranges. A diet that is easy on the kidneys is low in fat, salt, and animal protein. Get plenty of sardines (a good source of essential fatty acids), brown rice, fish, green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, whole grains, and non-acidic fresh fruits. Asparagus, eggs, garlic, and onions contain sulfur, which you need to repair bone, cartilage, and connective tissue. It also enhances the uptake of calcium. Consume fiber daily.
It is important to get your iron from food sources rather than supplements. Iron supplements can cause pain and swelling. Eat fresh pineapple often, as it contains bromelain, which is great for reducing inflammation. However, avoid peppers, eggplant, tomatoes, and white potatoes, as these foods contain solanine, which contributes to inflammation and pain. Also avoid alfalfa, caffeine, tobacco, and any foods that contain sugar.
Follow these daily recommendations:
Most Important
calcium (1500 mg)-balances pH and protects against bone loss
magnesium (750 mg 2 times daily)-balances with calcium
N-acetyl cysteine and L-methionine (500 to 1000 mg each, on empty stomach)-vital to skin formation and in white blood cell activity
L-lysine (500 to 1000 mg)-prevents mouth sores
Also Recommended
flaxseed oil (as directed on label)-protects skin cells; aids in the reproduction of all body cells
glucosamine sulfate (as directed on label)-important for healthy skin, bones, and con nective tissue
N-acetyl glucosamine (as directed on label)-may help to prevent lupus erythematosus
garlic (as directed on label)-protects enzyme systems
zinc (50 to 100 mg; do not exceed this amount)-promotes healing; protects organs
vitamin B complex (including 50 mg each of folate, B6 and B12)
(Consult your health care provider regarding the duration of treatment; also ask about DHEA supplementation.)
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Acupuncture Acupuncture may be helpful in reducing the pain and inflammation associated with lupus. It also can be used to strengthen the patient's immune system.
Chinese Herbal Therapy Many of the same herbs used to treat arthritis can be helpful in cases of lupus jojnt pain as well See "Traditional Chinese Medtclne" in the "Arthritis" entry for more information on specific Chinese herbs and dosages. Likewise, see the "Kidney Disease" and "Kidney Infection" entries for herbs that may be used to treat lupus-induced kidney problems.
LupusRead out for Home remedies Check out green tea [] and body mass index calculator
Complementary and Alternative Treatments for Lupus
LupusStudy Facts And Treatments Regarding Lupus Nephritis additional
One of the most common complication caused by systemic lupus erythematosus is the kidney infection known as lupus nephritis. Even though there are not many signs of lupus nephritis, it is considered to be a serious form of lupus which may lead to fluid retention with weight gain and swelling due to the loss of protein in the urine. Moreover, lupus nephritis symptoms vary from a person to other; some people may show a severe form of lupus nephritis like abnormal findings on urine which may lead to complications and other form which is the most common, patients suffer from a mild infection and in this way they don't need a special treatment.
Furthermore, it is important to mention that not all kidneys affections lead to lupus nephritis. Many symptoms of lupus and even medicines used to treat this disease, such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may produce kidney problems and may even cause the loss of kidneys functions and fluid retention.
In addition, the specialists offer a large range of studies that can be done to test kidney disease in a person who suffer from lupus. First of all, the most common and simplest test used to study lupus nephritis is urinalysis. So, with a simple urine test it can be detected or not the presence of proteinuria, red blood cells, white bloods cells or casts, cells which are not normally found in the urine and which can suggests the presence of lupus nephritis. Moreover, another study used for detecting the presence of lupus nephritis are certain studies done to the urine collected over 24 hours. By doing this test it can be measure the kidneys ability to filter waste products and also the number of protein lost in the urine over a 24-hour period.
Secondly, as we know the kidneys have the role to get rid of the waste products and excess fluids. By doing a blood test, we can easily find out if the kidneys do their job properly. Much more, blood tests may be done for measuring the levels of serum complement and antibodied to DNA in the blood.
Thirdly, other studies which may indicate the presence of lupus nephritis are X-ray Studies which are usually made before doing the biopsy and also the kidney biopsy. Kidney biopsy tend to be a hard procedure which requires hospitalization of the patient too. In addition to this, biopsy is done by inserting a needle in the kidney and removing a tiny piece of kidney which is examined under a microscope in order to determine to real condition of the organ.
Moreover, therapy for lupus nephritis depends on many factors and especially on the severity of the affection. In order to treat lupus nephritis there are usually used diuretic agents to help eliminate excess fluid, anti-hypertensive drugs and also a special diet which help in controlling the intake of salt, proteins and calories.
In conclusion, lupus nephritis may be treated with and appropriate treatment or even through kidney transplantation. On the other hand, some patients can't resist and develop dramatic loss of kidney function and renal failure.
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Facts And Treatments Regarding Lupus Nephritis
Go through Systemic Lupus Erythematosus - Fasting and Eating For Health much more
Recent data indicate that certain foods are common criminals in worsen the symptoms of lupus. It is understandable that the reactivity of antibodies in lupus patients strongly cross-reacts with commonly ingested animal proteins. The serum of people with SLE may also react with proteins originate from plant. These proteins are found in soybeans, corn, spinach and carrots. Though the animal protein-based foods are the main culprits, it means that from time to time the plant foods must be tested for immune reactivity as well. Alfalfa sprouts should be avoided in cases of lupus and that ingestion of alfalfa sprouts or seeds of L-canavanine, an important component of alfalfa, causes SLE-like disease in primates. L-canavanine is present in legumes, or beans, and they often must be avoided.
Lupus outbreaks have also been reported after ingestion of large amounts of foods containing psoralens (celery, celery salt, parsnips, figs). Psoralens are chemicals that increase the photosensitivity in those who are sensitive to sunlight. Hydrazines, the chemicals responsible for many cases of drug-induced lupus, are also present in mushrooms, certain food dyes, smoke tobacco, and most cooked foods, especially meat and other fatty foods.
Hair dyes contain high levels of hydrazine and other related chemicals that are absorbed through the skin. Persons exposed to hair dyes also have a significantly increased risk of lupus.
Meat and milk are probably the most offensive of all foods for people with lupus, and are constantly involved in investigations. Animal products often combine high protein content with a high fat, a combination not recommended for people with autoimmune diseases. Vegetable oils should be eliminated from the diet of lupus. That is because all the fat comes from animal or vegetable fats and increases the level of circulating estrogen, which also contributes to dysfunction of the immune response in lupus.
Once a person is diagnosed with lupus, he or she should immediately start a medically supervised fast to initiate a remission. Breaking the fast with proper care and under right leadership is very important. At the end of the fast, one should avoid the following for an extended period of time:
1. All foods of animal origin, including milk and eggs
2. All vegetables, except peas and beans
3. Celery, corn, alfalfa, mushrooms, spinach, and figs.
The exposure to all chemicals should be avoided as well. In particular, avoid cigarette smoke, hair dyes and pesticides. All plant foods should be organically grown or pesticide-free.
Although this approach may seem strange to some, it is not only safer than current treatments, but also when it began early in the disease process, it may offer a complete remission from the disease. The patient can live a normal live free of both the effects of the disease and the effects of treatment with toxic drugs.
Learn more about Lupus @ Symptoms for Lupus.